Tips For Treating Your Swollen Gums
There are many common dental issues that you can develop over the course of your life, and swollen gums can be one of the more commonly encountered issues. For patients that are suffering the discomfort of having swollen gums, there are some treatment tips that may help them to address this problem.
Frequently Use Saltwater Rinses
One of the more effective and gentler options for addressing swollen gums will be to use saltwater rinses throughout the day. These rinses can help to neutralize many of the bacteria that may be contributing to the swelling. Furthermore, the salt can help to sooth the sensitive gum tissue, which can provide relief from these painful symptoms. While you may find that rinsing with salt water can provide rapid relief, you will need to continue with these rinses for several days as the bacteria or other sources of irritation may take several days to be fully neutralized.
Thoroughly Floss
A common cause of swollen gums will be food particles or other substances that are able to get trapped just below the gumline. These materials can cause the gum tissue to become inflamed and irritated. In extreme cases, these substances can contribute to major infections developing as they can allow large numbers of bacteria to start growing. By flossing, you will be able to remove these substances so that your gums can start the healing process. In addition to flossing, you may also want to use a mild mouthwash to sanitize the infected area. Until the swelling has fully dissipated, patients should make sure that they are flossing and using a mild mouthwash multiple times throughout the day.
Visit A Dentist If The Problem Persists
While many patients will find that their swollen gums heal on their own, others may notice that this issue fails to go away. When you find that your swollen gums will not heal, you may need to schedule an appointment with your dentist. Chronically swollen gums can indicate the development of a number of potentially serious dental problems. For example, this can be one of the early warning signs of gum disease and tooth infections. If these issues are not promptly treated, they can spread throughout the mouth, which may result in you losing numerous teeth. In addition to seeking treatment for swelling that will simply not go away, individuals should also seek this treatment when they find that swelling is a problem their gums frequently experience on an intermittent basis.
For more information on how to treat swollen gums, contact a local dental office.