What Does Somatic Attachment Therapy Teach?

7 July 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Trauma affects people in many ways. Some people develop post-traumatic stress disorder, which can manifest in flashbacks, sleep disturbances, and depression. Even people without PTSD can suffer from the effects of trauma in their relationships with themselves and others. Seeking counseling for trauma is a wonderful thing that you can do for yourself.

There are many therapy modalities suitable for addressing trauma, including somatic attachment counseling, and it's up to you to figure out which one is right for you. Understanding the premise of somatic attachment counseling can help you decide if it's a therapy modality that can help you heal from past traumas. Here are three facts about somatic attachment therapy that patients can learn:

1. Somatic attachment theory states that trauma affects the body.

Somatic attachment counseling is based on the theory that trauma affects the body as well as the mind. People who suffer from trauma may experience anxiety that they feel in their stomachs or chests. Some people find that their mouths go dry when they think of the negative experiences that they've suffered. Therapists who specialize in somatic attachment therapy teach patients to acknowledge these feelings and honor what their bodies are trying to tell them. Accepting that trauma can affect your entire body can help you develop a broad approach to mental health that can help you heal.

2. Somatic attachment therapists use their bodies to model calm, healthy attachment.

Somatic attachment therapy is facilitated by therapists who use their expertise to guide patients through each session. Like other types of therapy, somatic attachment therapy uses talk as a medium of communication. However, during each session, therapists will also use their bodies to model calm, healthy attachment. If you begin to feel overwhelmed during a session, your therapist may model deep even breathing that can help you calm yourself and remain in touch with your own body.

3. Somatic attachment therapy is less focused on thoughts and feelings than other types of therapy.

Somatic attachment therapy focuses on a person's whole being. You'll be invited to consider your thoughts and feelings during therapy sessions, especially as you explore memories of your past. However, you'll also be invited to connect with your body. Breathing exercises, body scanning activities, and other forms of physical meditation can help you get in touch with your body in a way that encourages the integration of the body and mind.
